

Saturday, July 31, 2010

One the Radio- Regina Spektor

I love this song.. and this video.. is inspiring.. teaching to music to little black children.. she sees the light.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Impossible (Cover)

It's early I haven't slept. The video quality is bad.. but yeah yeah.

Pretty Girl Bag

Why are these little girls so sexy.? And why is this video better than soulja boy's.?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cali Girl Swagg

I actually don't think this girl can rap at all but I thought this was pretty entertaining. And of course she's reppin Cali so I had to show her love.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Up til Dawn..

this isn't the best video. i didn't practice this much.. don't hold it against me.. i put my heart into it.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nothing But L-O-V-E

This young lady is amazing. I have been following her career for a couple of years now. And I swear she is one of the best songwriters I have seen thus far. She takes all of her emotions and puts them in love songs. Someone once told me I reminded them of her. I was juiced lol. because I absolutely adore her. But in light of my topic for today.. here's a video.


Last night I was on twitter.. and the vivid imagination that I have just made me come to the conclusion that if my future husband ever cheated on me I would definitely beat the shit out of him. Harsh words I know but there's just the thing that.. if I'm going to commit myself to you I expect you to do the same thing. And seeing as though I did say husband and not boyfriend is because I wouldn't care about a BOYFRIEND cheating on me.. okay.. ouch.. it hurts. I'll get over it. A marriage is a big step. I'm letting go all of the groupie hoes and all of the extra guys for just one. I also would have to make a commitment before the world and God. Big Step. So if you were to cheat you deserve every fucking blow. lol; I wouldn't even care about the female unless I knew her.. then I would have to beat her ass too. But I suppose.. just a thought.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Raving Isn't Dead...

Yesss. Raving isn't dead. It's alive and dancing to techno music...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

EDGUY - Superheroes

In light of the heroes theme I have going on.. Well I liked this video wayyy more than I liked the song. I thought this video was pretty ironic how it's entitled superheroes but yet it seems as though they're preying on these "bunnies" . lol; watch and see what I mean.

Just A Thought

As I was watching Heroes last night an idea came to my head. What path will I choose.? Will I choose a path of meaning or a path of happiness.? On the show one of the characters said the two cannot be homologous. To live a life of meaning would mean a person has to spend their whole life obsessing about the past and planning for the future. And to live a life of happiness would require you to forget the past and live for the day with no regards for the future nor the past.
It's some people's life goal to understand their purpose in life. Some people go through their whole lives and still don't figure out what type of life that they are living. So which one will I choose.? A life of meaning or a life of happiness.? At this point I want to do both I believe that if I live a life of meaning that in the end I will be happy.
Just a thought...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


The guy is dope. I'll let his music say the rest.

Monday, July 5, 2010

more of what i do...

For those who know me know that I am a tattoo artist. For those who don't... I'm a tattoo artist. Pretty righteous huh.? I just thought that I would make that apart of this blog also. I'm still getting the feel for this whole blogging thing. Back to what I was saying. Above are picture of one of the recent tattoos I did on a friend of mine that I went to high school with. Who happens to be a tattoo artist also. It was a night of non stop tattooing. Look forward to much more work on this guy. haha. He's gonna be my whole portfolio.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Blue Scholars "Coffee And Snow" Music Video HQ

I was told to listen to listen to this group by EJ the Donut Man. When I first seen the name I thought they were gonna be a real band. And when I seen the video start I REALLY thought it was gonna be a band. But this is some REAL GOOD Hip-Hop. I love it...