

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Last night I was on twitter.. and the vivid imagination that I have just made me come to the conclusion that if my future husband ever cheated on me I would definitely beat the shit out of him. Harsh words I know but there's just the thing that.. if I'm going to commit myself to you I expect you to do the same thing. And seeing as though I did say husband and not boyfriend is because I wouldn't care about a BOYFRIEND cheating on me.. okay.. ouch.. it hurts. I'll get over it. A marriage is a big step. I'm letting go all of the groupie hoes and all of the extra guys for just one. I also would have to make a commitment before the world and God. Big Step. So if you were to cheat you deserve every fucking blow. lol; I wouldn't even care about the female unless I knew her.. then I would have to beat her ass too. But I suppose.. just a thought.


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