

Monday, June 28, 2010

I Support.. Good Blogs.

First is "FlyFanBase" started by Kwame Morton. This blog is starting to take off. I commend the big things that they have in store for The AUC. I hope that I'll get to get on their level sometime soon. Shoutout to their CEO Chris Taylor. That dude is hilarious. Keep up with them. They're doing big things.
Next is "In My Feelings" by Jazmin Garrett. This blog is truly from her heart. She expresses herself beautifully through her writing in her blog posts. Her writing would definitely be a blessing to anyone who reads it.

Finally "Original Fani" by Fani Jetson. lol; I know that's not his real name but that's what everyone should know him as. His blog is one that I go to everyday. He has the latest on music fashion and events. I'm trying to get as established as him.


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