This song is "Her Morning Elegance" --Oren Lavie.
This song is something real smooth. And the video is pretty dope also. It's what is called Stop Motion, for those who don't know that's basically a video made up of a lot of pictures. = )
and speaking of stop motion. This next video is one of the best I've seen. It had to take a lot of freaking Post-It notes.
But back to the music.
This next one is "Cambridge" --Kina Grannis. She is completely adorable to me. And her voice captures me in such a way... geez. She was the winner of the Doritos Crash the Super Bowl Contest back in I think it was 2007, 2008... some where around there. But she's amazing. She left her major deal with Interscope to be an independent artist. And I have full respect towards her because of that.
"Message From Your Heart"
Well that's all I have for now. = )
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